S411A Wood Ibis with gold leaf, $19.99, 4"
S411B Wood Ibis, $11.99, 2 1/2"
S411C Sacred Ibis, $24.99, 5" brass
S411D Anubis on Scarab, $19.99, 3 3/4" limestone
S411E Horus on Scarab, $19.99, 4 1/4" limestone
S411F Horus, $24.99, 6" limestone
S411G Anubis on Scarab, $24.99, 5 1/2" limestone
S411H Sekhmet, $29.99, 6" limestone
S421A Isis, $69.99 10" limestone with gold leaf overlay
S421B King Tut Throne Chair, $59.99, 6 1/2" handmade brass with goldleaf overlay.
S421C Hatshepsut, $39.99, 9" limestone with goldleaf overlay.